


Hail, Happy Day!


Hail, happy day! thou day of holy rest;
What heavenly peace and transport fill our breast
When Christ, the Lord of grace, in love descends,
And kindly holds communion with His friends!


Let earth and all its vanities be gone,
Move from my sight, and leave my soul alone;
Its flattering, fading glories I despise,
And to immortal beauties turn my eyes.


Fain would I mount, and penetrate the skies,
And on my Saviour's glories fix my eyes;
O meet my rising soul, Thou God of love,
And waft it to the blissful realms above!


O Son of God, exalted on Thy throne,
Impart that grace which comes from Thee alone;
Thou, by whose love our light and peace are given,
Bring us, dear Saviour, to Thyself and heaven.

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